ate 900 calories and still feel like im harvesting a watermelon in my stomach.
i dont know what the hell im going to do in the summer
if i still look like this.
i dont know
i have been working out and eating under 1000 each day(exception of couple)
for about a month
and im not losing or gaining.
im still cubby and now where near what i should
maybe im not counting right
i feel gross
my legs touch as i walk
and that makes me want to throw up
maybe i should.
i don't know if this happens to all mias.
but when i get on a kick of throwing up a lot
i get little veins close to the corners of my eyes.
its because i put a lot of strain on my muscles and blood vessels
eh, its easy to cover up. :/

so, i think i have a new found crush.
but its different.
its actually a girl.
i don't know if this is just a bi-curious kind of thing
but to me, attraction is attraction.
whether that be to a boy of girl.
anyway, she is so beautiful
and she makes me laugh, and we mesh so well.
like puzzle pieces
but i wouldn't even know how to approach anyone i like.
plus i don't think she knows i like her, or girls for that matter.
I'm am a little confused about the matter.
and i don't see any reason why she would be attracted to me.
guess I'm just a downer.
maybe i have a new goal....
crushes always help inspire you to a better body.
gettin some green tea then write an essay. woho
heres to all the people who movitate us to better bodies!
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